During a transformative four-day journey traversing the breathtaking landscapes of Rwanda, Chris Leslie embarked on a profound documentary and portrait shoot. This expedition served as the cornerstone for the visual arsenal powering the Fundraising Campaign titled “Numb3rs,” orchestrated by the international NGO, Hope and Homes for Children.
Immersed in the heart of Rwanda’s vibrant communities, he captured the essence of resilience, hope, and the human spirit through our lenses. Each frame illuminated the narratives of those whose voices often remain unheard, yet whose stories are instrumental in igniting change and fostering empowerment.
Against the backdrop of Rwanda’s majestic scenery, his lenses became instruments of advocacy, shedding light on the remarkable journeys of individuals touched by the transformative initiatives of Hope and Homes for Children. From the bustling streets of Kigali to the serene countryside, he bore witness to the tangible impact of collaborative efforts in nurturing sustainable solutions for vulnerable children and families.
Through his documentary lens, he unravelled narratives of triumph over adversity, showcasing the unwavering determination of Rwandan communities to build brighter futures. These portraits of resilience and courage served as beacons of inspiration, fueling the mission of “Numb3rs” to galvanize support and catalyse change on a global scale.